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Born in Detroit, Michigan, Jenna Stone is an American actress and model who has appeared in several feature films over the course of her career.

At the age of 16 she booked her first feature film, Rock the House, playing the popular cheerleader Chloe alongside stars from shows such as Heroes and Weeds.

From there she went on to star as the lead in The Haunting of Salem - a gritty horror film centered around the Salem witch trials. This established Jenna as a promising lead actress capable of reaching the intense emotional and physical heights required by this genre of film.

Jenna also starred alongside Clint Howard and Charlie O’Connell in the film Huff, a harrowing story of family and being a teenage runaway.

Continuing to move forward in recognition for her work, Jenna soon earned a nomination for Best Lead Actress at the WideScreen Film & Music Video Festival for her role of Jessica in the short film D.U.I.

Currently, Jenna is training with Anthony Meindl in Los Angeles, expanding her talents by taking on challenging scene work and breaking down barriers.

Jenna is very excited to be delving into her writing abilities as she works on her own personal projects and stories that she can't wait to share with the world.

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